Pov-Ray source for PeopleNet Sphere 2
Note: If you wish to render this image as I have presented it, you will need this sgrid.gif image
referenced in the source.
#version 3.1
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
location <0, -40, -60>
look_at <0, 3, 0>
#declare peoplenet_logo=union {
prism {
0, 1, 48,
<0,0>, <1,5.6>, <12,8.2>, <22.4,8>,
<22.4,8>, <32.4,7.8>, <42,4.7>, <42,0.7>,
<42,0.7>, <42.1,-4>, <32,-6.8>, <22.1,-6.5>,
<22.1,-6.5>, <9.2,-6>, <5.8,-2.2>, <5.4,-1.8>,
<5.4,-1.8>, <5.2,-1.6>, <5.4,-1.5>, <5.7,-1.7>,
<5.7,-1.7>, <6.1,-1.95>, <9.2,-4.1>, <16.2,-4.6>,
<16.2,-4.6>, <28.3,-5.2>, <38.2,-3>, <38,0>,
<38,0>, <37.1,5.5>, <5.95,6.95>, <2.6,-1.4>,
<2.6,-1.4>, <1.8,-3.5>, <5.8,-5.4>, <7.9,-6.35>,
<7.9,-6.35>, <10.25,-7.2>, <14.15,-7.85>, <16.7,-8.1>,
<16.7,-8.1>, <17.15,-8.2>, <17.1,-8.6>, <16.6,-8.52>,
<16.6,-8.52>, <2.2,-7.2>, <-0.45,-2.1>, <0,0>
translate <-19,0,0>
cylinder {
difference {
cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,0.9,0>,1 }
cylinder { <0.6,-1,0>,<0.6,2,0>,1.5 }
translate <0.7,0,0>
scale <34,1,34>
translate <0,0,-6>
#declare Blue_Glass =
texture {
pigment { rgbf <0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.8> }
#declare pnetsphere=
union {
difference {
sphere { <0,0,0>,1000 translate <0,0,990> pigment { image_map { gif "sgrid.gif" } scale 50 rotate 30 } finish { Dull ambient 1.0 } }
sphere { <0,0,0>,998 translate <0,0,990> pigment { White } finish { Dull ambient 0.1 } }
object { peoplenet_logo rotate <-90,0,0> scale <1,1,30> pigment { White } finish { Dull ambient 0.1 } }
sphere { <0,0,0>,999 translate <0,0,990> texture { Blue_Glass } }
media {
scattering { 1, rgb 0.02}
intervals 120
samples 1, 10
confidence 0.9999
variance 1/1000
ratio 0.9
object { pnetsphere }
difference {
box { <-10001,-10001,-10001>,<10001,10001,10001> }
box { <-10000,-10000,-10000>,<10000,10000,10000> }
pigment { Blue } finish { Dull }
light_source {
color White * 0.5
translate <0,40,-300>
light_source {
color White * 5
translate <0,0,290>