Jim & Jodi's House
- First draft - April 16, 2004
- Second draft - May 5, 2004
- Third draft - May 13, 2004
- Fourth draft - May 18, 2004
- Fifth draft - May 18, 2004
- Sixth draft - June 23, 2004
Other Items
- The schedule - Estimated schedule for the rest of the work on the house.
- Low Voltage (Network, Telephone, & cable TV) - July 4, 2004
- Kitchen Cabinets - June 18, 2004
- Site Survey - June 2, 2004
- Garage Options - May 12, 2004
Construction Pictures
- June, 2004
- 24th - Foundation forms being assembled
- 27th - Foundation poured and forms off, but backfilling not done yet
- July, 2004
- 2nd - Backfilling done and lot smoothed and shaped around the foundation and basement walls
- 8th - Framing underway. Outside basement walls up and work started on first floor.
- 9th - Framing underway. Outside walls on first floor up.
- 15th - Framing underway. 2nd floor joists, 2nd floor subfloor, and one truss up..
- 17th - Second floor joists all in and 2nd floor walls started.
- 20th - Second floor almost completely framed and garage almost framed. Nearly ready for trusses.
- 24th - The roof is going up!
- 31st - The exterior of the house nearly completed
- August, 2004
- 23rd - Inside drywall up, running phone, cable, & TV.
- September, 2004
- 1st - Taping and mudding well underway
- 14th - Taping done, ceilings textured & painted, garage drywalled, hardwood floors installed, cabinet installation begun
- 30th - Trim up & stained, painting begun. Siding on the back of the house almost completed.
- October, 2004
- 7th - Painting, staining, tile work, & bathroom counters all done.
- 20th - Kitchen counters in, most appliances installed, and many lights working.
Last modified on October 21, 2004
This page maintained by Jim Lowell - jlowell@visi.com